Yesterday, I went to Caitlin’s house…for an amazing sleepover!
I came there at around 10:30am and came back today at around 1:30. Eden and Scarlett were getting more and more cute 😉 Ralph was being a bit of a moody-pants today, and I think it’s because I went home today and he didn’t want me to go 🙁
Caitlin got me this friendship necklace with a jewelly teddy on it hugging the word ‘Best’ and Caitlin’s one said ‘Friends’ and the cracked heart (the shape of the necklace) joined together on each others. Unfortunately, Caitlin might have lost hers…
We did some facemasks and makeup and things – in other words, we had a beauty night, and I looked really slimy and shiny and weird, but Caitlin’s looked soapy and foamy and strange. In the end we put glitter on our nail-varnish and our skin became really smooth – smoother than I’ve ever had it in my life – but also weird and strange.
We had some delicious pesto pasta for dinner with all the tasty pesto-pasta-pine-nuts and things. It was really tasty and piney. I had loads and loads and loads and loads of it I was so hungry!
For breakfast we had some brioches and croissants and Ralph kept doing puppy-eyes and trying to get me to feed him croissant crumbs. Obviously I did, as nobody can resist puppy-eyes. Nobody apart from dogs.
We played some games and watched some films – such as Home Alone 3 and some of this Elvis Presley stuff, which I barely understood. It was really cool and fun – apart from the Elvis one – that wasn’t my type.