On Friday, we went to Daddy’s house!! Ah, but not we, me! Tilly was at the Harry Potter Studios with Guides, so she couldn’t come. Mummy says she’ll take me there one day once I’ve read the books and seen the films. But to Daddy:
Quickly, I need to say something. Mummy forgot my toothbrush, so we had to buy another one. Annoying.
The first day, when we got there, it was quite late, so we didn’t go out anywhere. Jago loved playing though, so I chased him round the carpet and we played with his train station. Then, at about half eight, we put Jago to bed and said night-night. Then, I can’t remember, but I assume that we just played some games, drew pictures, wrote stories and read for a bit. Not that I meant to, but I finally got into bed by about twenty to ten…
The next day, it was Film Night, but Mummy wanted me to go to bed at half eight. So we watched this film called Blackbeard’s Ghost, and ate loads and loads of sweets. I had one of those mini ulsa things you get on your tongue, but it was gone in the morning. I think it was that day that we went to the park and looked around the woods and things, but I’m not to sure. ***ASTERISKS*** We found all kinds of leaves and twigs and roots and furry branches, snapped them off and took them home. But unfortunately we forgot them. We’re really forgetful.
We did all kinds of things, played the Sims4, went out to shops, watched films – everything. Jago even sat on Oscar the rabbit….
After all the exciting things, Daddy, me, Kerri and Jago picked up Tilly and drove over to Kids’ World, but the bloomin’ thing was shut! I mean, it wasn’t very clear. So then we had to drive to the Priory Park and played a bit there. Daddy kept swinging our legs around and making us go REALLY REALLY fast. It was really scary – not to forget fun!