Weekly Summary #14

31 July – 6 August

On Monday, it was Andy’s birthday! Tilly disappeared off to volunteer at the retirement home for the elderly because she had missed a few weeks and they were expecting her, and then she was going to volunteer at the library to the do the Summer Reading Challenge. So we gave her the key and then Andy, Mummy and I (William was at his mum’s) went to Wrest Park for a picnic. They were doing some kind of Victorians thing but it was a bit babyish so we went home. First we stopped in at the library to see how Tilly was getting on, and she was sitting in a very I’m-a-posh-librarian fashion with a thingy-ma-bob round her neck and her little stamp and pen, and she seemed to be enjoying it very much! πŸ˜€ Mummy got Andy some clothes for his birthday (XD) and he got himself a big box of beer! πŸ˜€

And the photos of me above were of me with my ginger beer. As you probably know, I am a BIG fan of ginger, so it was a very special treat πŸ˜‰ I’m not usually allowed ginger beer (let alone a whole can) so I drank it wisely (XD), which basically means half-way through I couldn’t manage the rest and I had to give the plants some ginger pop and chuck the can πŸ˜€

On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we mooched around and didn’t really do very much. Tilly went volunteering at the library again, and met a girl there called Charlotte, who she soon became friends with. We watched some films, played some games, I wrote some of my stories, and got my friend Dominique’s email, so we emailed each other a lot, as you can imagine! 

Recently I’ve been doing some Latin and this week I did a lot. Tilly and I are trying to catch up over the summer so we can move up to the older group of Latin classes that we’ve started. So I’ve been doing the Cambridge Latin Course. I’ve got my own book and workbook, so Mummy reads out the stories in Cambridge Latin out in English, and I write them down in Latin, which is very difficult with all the declesions and so on, but Mummy says that I’m a ‘natural’! When we went to filmmaking, Kenzie told me she was astounded that I’ve been copying it out in Latin, because she thought that was the hardest part when she got to GSCE level!

On Friday, we went to our drama group. The lady who runs it, Chanel, has been organising a Christmas panto! It’s our next show, but it’s not going to actually be a Christmas one because so many people are on holiday at Christmastime, so it’s going to be a February one! Chanel announced who was who in the panto, and I’m Elpheba the Wicked Witch of the East in The Wizard of Oz! XD Tilly’s the Good Witch because she’s nice and I’m evil. πŸ˜‰ We sang one of our songs for the panto and then Chanel taught us a cup dance which she’d changed slightly to go with the song. We then went home for lunch and then I went to my friend Dominique’s house!

At Dommy’s house her sisters Lucia and Elodie were having a day off work, Thea was asleep, and Rafey had his own friend round and they were playing dens and killing each other with Star Wars swords and so on! πŸ˜‰ Whereas me, Chia, Dom, and Elodie played a few board games before dressing up in fancy dress costumes and playing a dress-up game in the garage. It was really fun! Then Chia did my nails with red-pink nail varnish with gold sparkles on the top, which I doubted at first, but then actually turned out to be really pretty! I held Thea for a bit too (she’d woken up) and then Francesca (their mum) made dippy eggs for tea! It was deeeeeeelicious!

And guess what? When we came home from drama at half-twelve-ish, there was a parcel waiting for me, and it was ENORMOUS! And of course, I knew exactly who it was! Bob! He’d sent me more clocks after my letter! I was DUMBFOUNDED! And not only were there clocks, there was a moneybox too! It’s ceramic, and it’s of a bear with a nurse’s cap on, treating a little teddy bear! πŸ˜€ One of the clocks is a ceramic and it’s in the shape of an old cottage with a clock-face on part of the wall! πŸ™‚ Another is a little, curved, square red one with a gold top and bottom! It’s so pretty! And the best, which is going to be quite to explain, so just try to imagine it if you can’t understand it! XD So, it’s plastic, but designed to look like brown-caramel marble, and there’s a plastic-but-made-to-look-like-glass case that goes over the top, like the case that goes over the top of the rose in Beauty and the Beast! XD There’s a little golden thing that’s shaped into four or five balls, and they spin round every second!

Here is what my clock collection in my bedroom looks like now!

On Saturday, I had a shower, washed my hair, and put on my best dress for no reason.

Tilly went (again!) to volunteer at the library with her friend Charlotte, and then she and Charlotte went to Costa for some hot chocolate! πŸ˜‰ I wrote my story, William did his Lego, and we watched the film ‘Matilda’. When Tilsy came back we went to the park with an ice lolly and it was really fun! After dinner we watched a very strange documentary about babies around the world. There was a family from Namibia, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Mongolia. The baby from San Fransisco, Hattie, had a proper house and so on, whereas the baby is Namibia, for instance, went about rubbing his face in the dirt and sleeping in a dirty tent in the middle of the desert.

This week, on Sunday, we went to the Forest Centre with Andy. William was here so he came too. We walked round for a bit – around the outside of the lake – and nothing really amazing happened. Well, actually, we found an enormous dead fish with maggots inside it in the middle of the path a large hill and a patch of trees away from the lake. It was a bit confusing how it got there, but really I dread to think, so I shall continue. When we had finished our walk, we went to the Forest Centre’s park and played around on the basket swing there for a bit. We went really high and nearly toppled off! But it was fun. When we got home we ‘Skyped’ Grandad Mal and Nanny Trish. We’re going to stay with them for a week in France in October! It’s very exciting. For dinner we had sushi and sashimi as a treat, and a huge toffee muffin for pudding! πŸ˜€

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