30 October – 5 November
On Monday, I wrote my story, played my mathematics game, MathsWhizz, and had swimming lessons in the afternoon. I’m getting really good at swimming now, and everyone must be because they keep moving everyone to our advanced group from the other groups! Now we’ve got a very busy advanced group: me, Tilly, Josh, Seth, Nathaniel, and Lillian are all cowering at the end of the lane! But it’s fun with all our friends there, too. In the evening we walked up to Guides in the dark and cold, but apparently it wasn’t on so we walked back again.
On Tuesday, as you probably all know, it was Halloween! This year, we had a bit more of a ‘grown-up’ Halloween where we read particularly terrifying stories from Andy’s book, ‘Scary Stories to Tell in The Dark’. Tilly and I went trick-or-treating by ourselves, too! (But then it got really cold and we both needed the toilet and had runny noses, so we went home slightly earlier.) After a dinner of ‘Cauldron Curry’ (Thai green curry) in the dark, by candlelight, we watched Ghostbusters 2!
The next day, Wednesday, was a Mummy-and-Vinia day because Tils was volunteering at the nursery. We did some maths and I started writing a story with my friend Dominique – but not in person; we did it over the document! Basically, I shared a document with her (the one that we were going to write the story on) and then when she types something, e.g. hello, I can see it and can type ‘hello’ back! So we were planning it over there, e.g. what should the first chapter be about? Hmm, I think this-and-that. It’s really cool! For dinner we had yummy kale and mushroom quesadillas.
On Thursday, we went to the park with our friends Seth, Matilda, and Arthur. Their labradoodle, Woody, though still a puppy, has a grown a lot since we last saw him! We played a made-up game, Spin Off, on the roundabout in the playground, and also Tag round the castle. It was really fun!
On Friday this week, Mummy had to take Tilly to her weekend camp at one of the International World Guiding Centres, Pax Lodge, so she was unable to take me to drama 🙁 Luckily, our friends Seth, Matilda and Arthur’s mum Nicola stepped in and took me in her car, because Matilda goes too, so luckily I was able to go! When I got back, Mummy was still having a Mummy-and-Tilsy day in London before she took her to the Lodge, so Andy and I had beans on toast for lunch. When we got back from picking William up from school, Mummy didn’t realise and made us cheese on toast for dinner! It was a very on-toast-y day.
On Saturday, we went to Stagecoach drama in the morning, followed by my monthly Chatterbooks club, which has just started again after the holiday break. I have a particularly awful new teacher, Gill, who is a low-down, lily-livered jobsworth who appears to hate children, especially me, for a reason I’m not sure of. She sent us home with an awful diary book called ‘The World of Norm’. The first sentence in the book quite literally is, ‘Norm knew it was going to be one of those days when he woke up about to pee in his dad’s wardrobe’. So you can kind of tell what I told Gill about that book when she asked me how it was. However, my cheerfulness was raised when I went home and Nanny was there 😀
This Sunday was a very, very, very, VERY, VERY busy day, so you might find me ramble on a little bit. Tilly was still at her Guides camp, and we needed to pick her up, so we went, and on the way popped in at Costco Watford. After a little wandering round, Mummy gave William and I a five pound note and told us to go and buy lunch. So we waited in the queue for a very long time, and we went to order our jacket potatoes, the man got them all ready and then said, ‘Oh, sorry, we don’t take old five pound notes anymore.’ So I said, ‘Oh, sorry about that, would you reserve these potatoes for us while we go and get a new note?’ And he said he would; so we went to find Mummy but couldn’t find her. By chance I had the family phone in my pocket, but realised Andy’s number was the only one in there. So for waited for at least twenty minutes until Mummy had decided we had finished our lunch and wandered out of the abyss to the cafe. When we got her and told her, we were very hungry and it was time to go, so we went to Tesco quickly and grabbed some sandwiches before we picked up Tilly. Who knows what happened to those potatoes.
When we got back home, we went straight out to our friend’s brother Arthur’s party, who had just turned six on that day. It was a sort of games-y, disco-y party where they food too (much to Tilly’s delight). When it finished at half four or something like that, we went to the park briefly before coming with Seth, Matilda and Arthur to the fireworks display nearby! They were really very pretty, and when we got back at about six o’clock, we sat and finished off Ghostbusters 2!