I went to my first party at Rainbows for this Halloween. All the other Rainbows were princesses or princess cats or they could even be Queen of Halloween. (The people who were Queen of Halloween also wore a Tiara;*)). But, just as I came in I scared them to the core! I even scared the toddlers, though they even told me I should be a princess cat though I was actually a victorian child. Anyway, I looked like a victorian child. I even scared the bloody wits out of Andy! At the party, we first played musical statues. I nearly won, but unfortunately I lost. Me and my friend Caitlin went one foot.. the other! One foot..the other like that and we put our hands on eachothers shoulders while we did it. Next we had some biscuits and torttier chips and a cup or orange squash. When we had finished, we did 'apple bobbing' and I caught an apple on it's side with my nish-nasher teeth.