I’m Lavinia and I’m fourteen years old. Ever since I was four, I’ve been home-educated, staying at home with my mum, sister Matilda, step-dad Andy and step-brother William. (My sister is three years older than me, and William is one year older.) Being educated at home has always allowed me to explore the subjects I love the most, and as I get older I’m even more able to specialise in my favourite topics.
The start of a new year always brings me some motivation with it, but the beginning of 2021 is the most exciting I’ve had yet. Coronavirus and politics aside, I’m more ready for my learning journey this year than I’ve ever been, as I have everything all planned out and ready to go: a new bullet journal, a nice shiny timetable and a long to-read list that should keep me going for at least this year!
My favourite things to do are writing and reading, but I also love drawing too! I have a hundred jobs in mind for when I’m older. I’d either like to be a journalist, lawyer, professor, or just an author─something related to reading and writing, at any rate─but all these are liable to change!
Lockdown has encouraged me to pick up some new hobbies: cooking, and singing (mostly with Andy and my sister). I like a wide range of music, but my favourite bands/artists are probably Pixies, Nirvana, Elvis Costello, and Tori Amos (as I say, a wide range of things!). My favourite song at the moment is Time for Heroes by the Libertines. My favourite book… well, I have hundreds, but I particularly enjoyed the Night trilogy by Elie Wiesel, and more classic books like Jane Eyre.
I can’t be more delighted that I’m home-educated! Since I was four and my sister was eight, we’ve been going on all sorts of wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading about them!
Me and Tilly Me and Tilly My grandma <3 Me and Tilly Me and Tilly with my awesome half-siblings (this one was taken 3 years ago!)