For the weekend, we went to a hotel with Andy, Mummy, Tilly and me which was in Suffolk, where our daddy lives. And because he
Author: admin

We did a treasure trail to find the housekeeper’s keys in Wrest Park. At the end we had a massive chocolate coin with Queen Victoria
Rhubarb and orange crumble Well. It all started with me making rhubarb crumble – yesterday. But we nicked the idea of rhubarb and ORANGE crumble

At our first sunny day, we went to a place called St. Neots. St. Neots is a wonderful, sunny place, and I'd love to live
Here I've done a story – it's five pages long and it only took a day or two! So here you are- print'n'read!

Firstly, our hotel was no ordinary hotel, oh no. It looked exactly like a mansion, and it was very nicely made, and the people in there were

Alton Towers was so much f-u-n-! To get there, it took TWO WHOLE HOURS to get there – but it was worth it – even if we