Well, we went swimming, and you just can’t guess what happend! I did dolphin stroke, and the water, it just holds me up! Mummy once
Author: admin

I went to Daddy’s house on April the 23rd and am ending at April the 28th. We had millions of fun. We made hamabeads, went

We went to Wimpole today, having so much fun. It was a wonderful sunny day, and we even saw a about 150 years old Mantion!
I had a big surprise today – we thought it was the Queen and King! But luckily it wasn’t the King, neither the Queen. It

Scavenger hunting One day we went Scavenger hunting in the Muddy Park of Horror (it wasn’t as muddy this time ’cause it is Spring now!).

I did a self-portrait one day. First Andy printed it off in black and white. I had to copy that with him. He was the

We did some baking with Andy a made-up cake, it is called the Orange and Revel Cake. It was just…….. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Today I went to do a Presentaion about Egypt because we fineally finished it. There was a boy called Tom and he did Astralia. A

Hey, aren’t you looking at my website? Brillient things have happened here like Oasis swimming: I went swimming with my family. I learn’t how to
Here is my new story that I wrote today. It had to be called "The Laughing Cloud". One day, Kira Librington went out side to