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I wonder if you would like to know what I’ve been doing this summery March? Yesterday we went to the country park. Taren and Tilly
Follow my link to read my amazing new story!

I made some apple cake. It’s really yummy. I think you should try it too!!! That dollop on top is creme fraiche. (you say it
Read this here.

I went to London yesterday. We went to the Natural Histery museum. We saw these animals: Aardvark Capybara (the biggest rodent in the world!) Polar
Here is the link to my new story.

Valentines day Today I went to libary. I got a book called ” The princess who had no Kingdom.” But while I was just showing
Hello, Yesterday my tooth fell out. When I brushed my teeth, after spitting the spitty bit out, LOADS of blood came out. LOADS! When I