I’ve made an autumn table, with Mummy, and Tilly, AND William! He, got a toy squirrel, and he put it on it. It’s so pretty!
Author: admin

Rating: 4/5 This book was very good, just like the previous book in the series. It wasn’t exactly mischievous, but more curiosity behaviour. The first

Yester-day, I made a halloween bag. On my birthday, my grandparents brought me a badge-machine and we made some badges. We drew it first with
Today, I had my dinner in: Indian looge, and had some curry! There was: chicken comer, lame rogen josh, rice and narmbread, caulifiower curry. The

Today, I went climbing with William and mummy. I went right to the top on one. ( I did it twice, youno!) LOOK! I

Today I made a moble, because in only 3, weeks, its hallaween! Isn’t that good? It is! Because, we’ve got alllllll, that time we can

I went sledging,in a ruber ringy thing, down a hill I had about 6 or 7 goes! It was brillent! I’d rather you wore wellys/waterprove

These are smiley faces! This is a wonky one! You use it when your not quite sure. This is a un- happy one! You

Today my mummy got us some cardbord-bozs and we wanted heart-shaped! We panted it and my Beads that i made! I had an art-lessen and

I have got two parties in one-day! One party is having to be invited next-door, the other is a Rainbow one. I am wearing