We went on to Audley End with Katie, her dad, her mum, Mummy, Tilly and William! I came from Lillian’s straight there. It was really fun. We groomed horsies, and saw how they were strapped up and things before they were taken away to ride to places on. There was a pony called Robby and a horse called Milo. Milo was the really excitable one, but Robby liked to plod on peacefully, and he only trotted for about two seconds if you cheered him on as wildly as possible!
Then there was the School for Fools! It was with Peterkin. He was so hilarious! He got us to stand in lines and pretend to be the Queen and the Fool and the farmers and that sort of thing, depending how high-ranked you were. He also did his own show where he did things with fire, like eating it and standing on stilts while thrusting his hand into the flames! It was really funny, though. He got lots of volunteers to come and do unspeakable things!
I learnt how to be an Elizabethean princess – if that’s how you spell it, but anyway – and learnt about their clothing and that sort of thing. It was really quite fun. She kept me interested, when I thought it was going to be ‘who can dress up and hold this pretty wand?’ and that sort of boring stuff, but really she was witty and fun to listen to. Real princesses would have had velvets and silks and nets and it was boiling! She had bamboo sticks so she couldn’t bend down and about six layers! My, she must have bubbled in that dress! Apparantly it would’ve taken her an hour to get dressed!
Jousting was the main event. They were doing it to impress the Queen, and hopefully marry her and be King! But, of course, the Queen clearly wasn’t impressed! There was Sir Marmaduke and Sir Henry, both of which were good. I voted for Henry, and he won! It was really intreaging. Then there was the hunting, with expensive hawks and falcons. They got the jockey of a horse to tie meat to a string, and they got the horse to run around and tried to get the bird to catch the meat. It was awesome!
Really want to go there again! Especially on a hot day like then!