As you probably know, a few days ago was Christmas! William was at his mum’s so I was the only person in my bedroom, wriggling and squirming with excitement at the idea that Santa was coming. If you believe in Santa, which I am telling you, you very much should, then you will probably know that every Christmas Eve some people get Santa to help download videos he’s made. These videos tell you if you’re on the Good List or the Naughty List, and also they show you secret rooms in Father Christmas’s grotto in Lapland. We had those the night before the big day.
Everybody’s said they were on the Good List. I think Santa’s updated his cool software machine stuff, because now they show different things from the last couple of years. On mine it filmed the elves in the book-making room. Santa was waiting in his office for my book that kept all my stuff in it. Occasionally it filmed him saying, ‘I don’t know what’s taking them so long,’ and that sort of thing. I’ll tell you what was, though! One of the elves was stuck in the delivering machine, with glue all over her hands and her hat procariously balanced on her shoulders. It was really rather witty when it showed her on the wall now, dragged on the floor then…
I kept waking up at four, then half five, then quarter to seven, and finally that last hour. I jumped out of bed to find, on the table downstairs, that it was piled with presents of all kinds. Most of them were from our friends and relatives, but it wasn’t just obvious that Santa had come – if anyone hadn’t noticed, they ought to go to the hospital, I’ll say! He had delivered about five to each of us, and the table was so high with them all stacked up that a couple of William’s ones waiting for him to come the next week had been left on the floor.
Santa had eaten the mince pie and the special chocolate mint I had left him, and the reindeer had evidently eaten their carrots!
When the adults and Tilly came down – well, more like when I woke Tillly up, and we both bombarded into their bedrooms and jumped on them and turned on the lights at eight – we went in the shower and then started to open our presents.
I think one of my favourites was the amazing hairbrush Santa got for me. Yes, it sounds very strange, ‘amazing hairbrush’, but it was actually amazing. Three things about it. One was that my hair gets really knotty when it’s dry, but this brush went immediately through it. Two was that the natural bristles were made from the hair of wild boar… and, of course, three, Her Majesty the Queen only brushes her hair with that brand of brush, the brand being ‘Kent’. So now you know, that ‘amazing hairbrush’ really did match the description I gave it. I really, really love that brush! But it wasn’t just the brush.
As well as many other favourite presents, I got a French poncho-like thing from Nanny Trish and Grandad Mal. I wore it on Boxing Day. Thank you so much, Nanny Trish and Grandad Mal! I love it loads and loads and will wear it for ages!
Uncle Paul and Nanny both came round just after lunch, and also after that Christmas Walk Mummy went on about all day! We played just one of our favourite family games, Dobble, before watching Malcolm in the Middle and showing them our presents. Our Christmas tradition was, of course, not to have a Christmas dinner but a delicious Christmas Curry! We had a selection of brilliantly tasting Indian side curries, normal curries, and an assortment of snacks like samosas. But here comes the best part – the disco – which I think deserves a whole new paragraph.
It started at nine, because beforehand we had been watching witty videos and all that sort of thing on telly. One of them was the new ‘Buttery Biscuit Base’ song, featuring the Masterchef judges, Greg Wallace and John. However, the disco ended at ten past eleven at night! I don’t think I’ve ever stayed up so late! (Wait, actually… no, I have, I’ve been up at one in the morning before…) We listened to really good songs and at the very end, when we were sweaty, hot, and exhausted, yet not really feeling tired, I had my Fear Factory solo! Roar… of hatred, roar! Roar of hatred..
I really loved this year’s Christmas – thank you Santa, thank you our friends and our relatives, and may it all be a merry one and a Happy New Year to you too, readers of this website post! Oh, and guess what? Just before the disco started, my dear friend Santa rung me up! Thank you so much, Santa, you know I love it when I get a phone call from the North Pole! (He did it last year as well!)