Kate and Kirk’s wedding at Kenilworth Castle

Yesterday, we went to a wedding! It was William’s first one, and my and Tilly’s third. It was the wedding of Kate and Kirk, Kate being Mummy’s friend. Everyone had a shower, and got dressed up. It was really fun! I had a posh flowery dress with my hair all blow-dried and pretty, and Tilly chose one of her many dresses and picked the magenta satin one with a black sash. William wore a white shirt and his black trousers, and he had a long tie that he didn’t like wearing! Mummy had a beautiful blue dress with green-teal feathers on it, and a pink Laura Ashley scarf round her shoulders. Andy wore a blue shirt and black coat and trousers. It was very exciting – I woke up at about half past six, and started dancing round downstairs, it was so brain-exploding!

When we got there, the wedding bells were already going off! It was at Kenilworth Castle, a very posh place for a wedding. We all sat down on the bench rows, murmuring about the bride and groom. We had a K&K (Kate and Kirk) hymn book and a paper leaflet with the baptism info on it. Kate’s baby Stanley (now about two) was getting baptised. He was so cute and cuddly! Our friends and Kate’s daughters, Freya and Flo, and Kate, all walked down the aisle. They looked so pretty! Freya and Flo wore beautiful glittering bridesmaids’ dresses, and Kate had a lovely golden and white dress with a sparkly veil. The two girls had their hair up really nicely, and so did the bride. Kirk was in his posh wedding suit with the yellow-white rose in the corner. The priest did a load of marriage hymns and then Kate and Kirk repeated the vows. The priest also baptised the baby, wiping water in a cross shape over his forehead.

After that we went to the Gatehouse, where there were some kababs and drinks. There was also a brilliantly entertaining jester, called Monti, who did lots of tricks with us on ultra-high stilts. Martha, a cute little girl we loved to play with, thought he was scary though. The jester took off his stilts and hid them, and then he said, “That other mean and nasty jester has gone home now! He was on big high stilts and nobody liked him. But I’m a decent enough one,” but still Martha didn’t believe him and huddled by her mum, blessed lamb! (I know that I sound a bit like an old lady, but I don’t care, because I like old ladies).

In an hour or so, we all moved over to The Stables, the pub cafe. They had a big band playing, with a nice lady singing songs like ‘Billie Jean’ and that sort of thing. Tilly and I danced along on the dancefloor with a load of other people – some of whom were a little tinsy bit drunk! But anyway – we requested songs like ‘Here Comes the Hotstepper’ which surprisingly all the adults knew the words too! The next-door-neighbour of Kate and Kirk came along, saying, “You know all the words, you kids, don’t you!” and singing along with us; and then that second later a man came over and said, “Look at the kids, they’ve been brought up alright!” and all the men were singing with us, and all the ladies were dancing with us!

At the very end of the huge disco, at about ten o’clock at night, panting and exhausted, we made our way in the dark to the car park. Then, at midnight, we pulled into our drive. “Bed!” said Mummy simply. Everyone sleepily unzipped their dresses and unwound their ties. It was tiring, that beautiful wedding! Finally we lazily pulled our duvets over our heads, pulled on the light switch, tucked our teddies up to us, and fell sleepily onto our plump, silky pillows.

In no time, we were asleep.

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