This September it was lovely and sunny. We mainly stayed in and wrote stories and read books or we would stay in and do some work, but we also went out a lot in between.
We went ice skating as one of the outdoor things, though it was inside, so I wouldn’t really call it ‘outdoor’. The rink was so slippery I thought I was going to die, but with everybody whizzing about in front of me I soon plucked up the courage to stay away from the bars and skate about with Tilly and my friend Caitlin. I made a new friend there called Cerys. She was way better at skating than I was, but we both went very fast all the same!
I was a little envious of the little kids as they had two blades on their skates so they could balance, but we only had one. I didn’t really need two blades, I suppose, but it would have been much easier and I would have been skating as fast as helicopters by the time I stepped onto the rink and turned a corner!
We’ve been learning about the Romans now. Of course, everybody knows there was Julius Caesar and Emperor Augustus, but did you know every single detail of their lives? Like…hmmm, let me think…Caesar was stabbed to death by even his friend Brutus…he sent a famous note with the Latin words: veni vidi vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)…he had the month of July named after him…Augustus was the first emperor of Rome…his stepson Tiberius was the second emperor of Rome…His real name was Octavian, but the Senate awarded him the name Augustus…August was named after him…
Bet you didn’t know that, did you? Well, now you know. We’ve also been doing Latin. Do you know what this means: es poēta et sum agricola?* Or…: nōn sum nauta?** Or…nautae spectant et lūnam et stellās?*** Okay, I’ll give you an easier one…: estis agricolae?**** I’m pretty sure you could know this one if you know ‘estis agricolae’…: ego spectō poētam et stellās?***** Alright, you don’t know them – I honestly don’t blame you, though, they were hard for me to learn! Look at the asterisks below..
*You are a poet and I am a farmer
Though actually they wouldn’t have used capital letters unless it was a proper noun…
**I am not a sailor
***The sailors are watching both the moon and the stars
****You are farmers
*****I watch the poet and the stars
You have to learn all the object and subject forms of the words, but because I quite like grammar I pick it up quite easily. I’m also on Memrise doing Latin, French and Art, so come and follow me and try to beat my highscore! My name is Lavinia_Rossetti and my sister’s is Matilda.Rose
I’ve been learning how to do cursive lettering and I’ve been writing many stories. I also like writing them on the computer – on paper I’ve worked out my own Frozen story which is pretty much the film just written, and I’ve copied some of Mr Stink the book onto the computer. I also love writing stories so much I have probably more than eighty I need to finish; like Wanted; The Prince King; The Amulet of Zanga; Totoro…. Check out my reviews section and see what I thought of my books
Last time when we went to our usual club, we did spinning on a spinning wheel. I was very careful not to prick my finger and full asleep for a hundred years, but I couldn’t even see the pricky bit! We made dreamcatchers with some thread and wool, looping it and knotting it – it was all very hard!
Afterwards we went to a different park from usual and splashed in a rocky brook there and watched as Tilly attempted to go on a ropeswing that went from one nettly bank to the other
It was Mummy’s birthday that day, but because William was going to his mummy’s the next day and that day was his birthday, so we celebrated it as his instead. He got some presents and (which he made it look like was the best present yet) had a box of American cereal called Apple Zings for breakfast. He ran around the house screaming his head off and yelling, “Apple Zings! Appley Appley Appley Zings!” They tasted mainly of cinnamon and pretty much nothing else, but they were delicious all the same. He wanted tacos for dinner, so we had those, but I missed my chocolate cheesecake as I had to go to Brownies.
Brownies was was awfully boring. They said that we were designing bedrooms, which I had been really looking forward to all week, but it got so hideously tedious that I scribbled in my magazine while nobody was looking, waiting for it to end. They wouldn’t actually let you really design anything, they just got you to add up things from catalogues to £500. And then, just as I was drawing a picture of me, they said that you had to buy pillows, pillow cases, sheets, mattresses, duvets and duvet covers! They could have told us this at the beginning, of course they could, and by that point I’d had enough anyway. So far, I think (and hope, as it was getting incredibly scruffy) that my design will go in the bin and will never be spoken of again I think I’ll stick with designing my bedroom with Matilda at home, thank you very much