+We went to a Not-Back-to-School-Picnic the other day. There were loads of kids there, and I was really pleased to see Caitlin, my BFF, who I like to call my CWBFF, because she’s crazy and I’m weird; and we’re BFFs.
Caitlin and me played with a four-year-old named Molly, a 5-year-old named Livvy and a 5-year-old named Boo. Boo kept running up to Caitlin saying, “play with me!” Molly kept running up to me and hugging me and saying, “It Vinia! Play with me! Please!” and Livvy kept coming up to me and shouting, while squeezing me like Molly, “please play with me! Please! I love you!” I thought they were just so adorable. ;O)
We kept chasing Ki for some or no reason, none of us knew why. Oh yeah, but what I did know was that Tilly and Caitlin went up to him and said, “how’s your girlfriend?!” It was most weird. Ki kept saying that he’d give us 2p if only we left, Boo said, “2p, then,” and Ki wouldn’t give it to her. This ‘girl’ was sitting on the same perch as Ki. I ran off before the fights and things started. I pulled Molly and Livvy away too, but Boo just scrambled out my arms saying, “2p! 2p!” Caitlin took her arms carefully and held her hands by her ears. She was wincing from something. I didn’t want to guess what.
After that ‘weird thing I think I luckily missed’ happened, we played on the swingy things, and the spinny things, and all the other thingy-things.
Oh, before I tell you more about my home-schooling week, I can show you my other website. Where it says ‘my other website’ just click on that (it should be blue) and it’ll take you to it.
We went to my Nan’s new house too. It’s very posh. We went to some of the parks there, and then I showed Nanny how to use Gmail (she’s got a very old phone, so she can’t use Google or gmail or anything). The parks were really good, big slides, one had a really cool zipwire, and little swings and climbing frames.
Also, we made a timetable for next week. We get film nights and game nights. A game night is when one of the kids (tomorrow it’s William) gets to choose a game – and whether or not the others like it they have to play it. We also put jogging and exercise videos on there – we did one this morning.
We also did a lot of loom bands, because it’s very near Halloween. So, I made a little Frankenstein. Then I had had enough of loom bands so I’ve started to make some Halloweeny stories and things. I was going to make a loom band black and orange snake but I didn’t have enough bands so I gave up.
I also saw a moth on a lamp-post, but no kind of ordinary moth – a leaf moth. Very strange, it was. Mummy thought it was a leaf when I first pointed it out, but I saw it’s arms and legs and eyes and other humorbility-like features on it. It was brown, gold and had lilac eyes with yellow dots in them round in a circle. It looked as if it was daydreaming in a very dreamy way with it’s eyes all swirly like that. It also had little brown feet and white-dotted wings.
I’m reading the 3rd book of Harry Potter. It’s very, very good. When I’ve finished I can watch the film!
I’ve been starting to have Guitar Lessons now with Andy. I’ve been learning the ‘notes’. Andy says, “You can have Guitar Homework, too,” so now I get guitar Homework also! :O)