We went printing today, with our friends Taryn, Elise and two other people, who weren't expecting, called Maryam and Hannah. We had three different techniques, but we only had enough time to do two, then. The ones we did were:
1. Get a plate (not a 'plate' plate like one from your kitchen, a little clear plastic sheet which in printing you call a plate) and roll it with some ink. Then, get your paper which you want your print on, and lay your plastic (now whatever colour you wanted on your plate) underneath your paper and use a pen or a pencil to simply dent anything you want onto the back of your paper, but, (quick tip) if you want to write, make sure you write sdrawkcab (backwards).
2.Draw something onto some polystyrene and smother a load of ink on and press (not with your fingers, with the back of a wooden spoon incase you get finger print marks on your paper) quite very hard for a good old 1 minute on the front and it shall appear on your paper once you have taken the bit of polystyrene!
After that we went shopping, and Mummy bought a couple of hats and stuff. Bye bye! xxxxx