Week in my life as a year 13 student :)

It has been a ridiculously long time since I last updated this blog. Life has been very hectic since starting sixth form last year, but one of my New Year’s resolutions is to update this blog more regularly. When I go to uni, I want to start a university blog where I upload my essays as well as monthly-ish life updates, so getting into the habit now seems like a good idea.

I’m currently midway through year 13, my last year of A-Levels. We’re having our mock exams in a few short weeks, so everyone is in full cram mode. For some reason, we’ve also got review tests (we have them every month or so), so there’s double revision going on!

I was mostly worried about my politics mock, because I feel like I remember none of the details from any year 12 study. But mercifully, we’ve just been sent a list of the topics that will be covered in the mock, which I didn’t realise we would get! That means my revision can be a lot more effective, because I can revise the mock topics over the next 3 weeks, and the remaining topics between mocks and the real A-Levels.

I thought a nice way to get back into my blog would be to update future-me (who I assume is the only person reading this haha) on a week-in-my-life. So here are a few sentences about each day this week, to remind myself of what it was like to be a year 13 at school 🥲


  • first day back at school since the Christmas holidays
  • politics; piano lesson; double Latin; lunch was hunters chicken; English; politics; English
  • that walk from English all the way to the Portacabins and then straight back again is torture!
  • I co-run our debating society, so we ran our weekly session after P7
  • wasn’t a bad day at all but the prepload is already a bit cray cray
  • I came home and had a chickpea curry I made over the weekend


  • maths; Latin; free period; English; lunch was steak pie
  • I’m off games this term because of this weird, undiagnosed and sometimes very painful health condition that I’m sure future me will remember!
  • I went on a run though. Over the Xmas holidays I ran my first 5k and have been doing one pretty much every other day since!
  • came home and had chilli for dinner


  • English; politics; double free; lunch was salmon and broccoli pasta bake (deLISH); maths; Latin
  • this was such a lovely day! I met my friend Rebeccah for a coffee (my go to is a massive, extortionately priced latte) after our politics lesson, and then we spent the rest of our frees studying in the library, joined unexpectedly by 2 other lovely friends
  • had more chilli when we got home
  • was ridiculously shattered so I turned the lights out at 21.15!


  • Latin; politics; double free; lunch was sausage casserole
  • got my classic almond-mum kombucha in the buttery after politics
  • then spent my double free studying in the library
  • ran a 5k in the gym
  • Mummy had a later night at work, so when we got home at 19.30 we made a quick dinner of scrambled eggs on toast
  • I’d planned to keep revising but by that point I was so exhausted, I decided a relaxing evening might be more productive! So I had a hot shower and watched some ‘Der Pass’ with Mummy, then went to bed


  • Latin; English; double politics; lunch was fish and chips
  • I like my Friday morning lessons 🙂
  • in the afternoon, I’m supposed to go to the Academic Scholars group, but today I skived out of protest. Every other year 13 gets to spend their Fri afternoons revising for mocks and exams, but for some completely backwards reason, we scholars have to go and listen to talks usually on subjects that have nothing to do with our A-Levels, and which are dumbed down so the year 9 scholars can understand them too. It’s ridiculous and I refuse to go
  • had a tuna and cheese toasted wrap when I got home
  • sometimes it’s nice to stay at school for dinner and be around more in the evening, but honestly it’s usually nicer to go home to my own space, eat my own food, sit on my own sofa and I’m only doing prep anyway, so if there were any socialising going on at school in the evenings, I wouldn’t be partaking!


  • English; free; maths; lunch is a jacket potato station with BBQ sauce sausages, baked beans, there’s usually tuna, lots of salads (Saturday lunches might be my favourite! You’re obviously supposed to pick one topping for your potato but I usually skip the potato and have all three toppings in a random mishmash sausage salad plate!)
  • my Saturday mornings are pretty relaxed because they’re quite sparse. I usually like to go – as I did today – to the library in between English and maths with a cup of soup from the cafe round the corner!
  • because I’m not doing games this term, I realised that I can actually leave straight after (or indeed before, because it’s informal on Saturdays) lunch. So I got home at about 1pm
  • I ran my 5k when I got home, and did a healthy food shop on my way back – always feels so satisfying!
  • study called my friend for the rest of the afternoon
  • for dinner we made homemade burgers, homemade coleslaw and courgettes. It was so delicious!!
  • in the evening I video called my friend again while we designed our new bullet journal weeks 🙂


  • I had to run in to school for a couple of hours this morning to chair the final round of our Inter House Debating Competition, which I’ve been organising as co-president of our school’s Debate Society
  • when I got home, I revised for a few hours, particularly maths (review test on Weds), English (review test tomorrow) and politics (just for the dreaded mocks)
  • for dinner we made chicken and veg stir fry! I love making home cooked meals at the weekend after a week of sometimes nice but mostly questionable school food

This post was a little boring, but I just wanted to get something out there to get back into the habit of updating a blog. Maybe in my next post, I’ll talk more generally about my A-Levels, university applications, etc. Bye for now!!

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