9 – 15 October 2017
Today, Monday, I did a lot of reading – I finished Coraline and started Stig of the Dump! They’re both really good. We had swimming lessons, which were followed by going to Guides, where me and the people in my patrol organised a car boot sale! We were meant to be going indoor rock climbing, but unfortunately that had been cancelled because the instructor was ill
On Tuesday, we went to the pub to meet Grace, Eve, and Anne, but we only went to go to the park nextdoor! We played some imaginery games and some like ‘Bulldog’ and that sort of thing. When we got home we were greeted with a nice, sizzling bowl of chilli to chill with!
Months and months before, Mummy had booked us a trip to the Royal Albert Hall in London to watch a show called ‘Primary Proms’, before Tilly had decided to go to nursery every Wednesday. This Wednesday, Tilly decided to volunteer at the nursery instead of watch the show, so Mummy and I had a Mummy-and-Vinia day watching it ourselves. First we went to the Science Museum, where I went to my favourite section, the clocks department, and where I saw the most amazing thing I’d ever seen in my life (a teasmaid). We followed this sciencey trip with a lunch in Pret
Afterwards, we went to the Royal Albert Hall to see the show. It was all children (well, mostly teenagers, but the age range was 11+ or something) that were on stage, and one group even wrote their own song. They were all very good at singing it but the song was tripe, I have to admit. I think the Classical Spectacular show we’d seen before was better but this was still fun! As usual, when we go to the Royal Albert Hall, we get allocated a box seat for reasons we’re not entirely sure of (for Classical Spectacular we got the Queen’s box!), so we watched it in a private velveteen balcony above all the other people!
On Thursday we tried out our Latin club! I think it was okay, but some of it was a little silly and slow. They got through two stories in one week, whereas back at home we found ourselves doing one chapter every two days. So we don’t really know what to think yet…
On Friday this week, we went to our drama in the morning, where we took our friend Matilda (another one!) with us in the car. Andy’s got a cold, so he wasn’t very happy, but for some reason I had a very randomly happy day today. I think it was drama; it was very fun!
This Saturday we went to our second drama class, where we did an hour of dance, drama, and singing. In drama it was quite games-y, and the same with singing, but we made a routine in dance which is really fun to act out!
On Sunday this week, I played my MathsWhizz maths game, which has made me actually really like mathematics now! It gave me a maths age of 12.11, which surprised since I am only 10.88! I also played hospitals with Tilly (which always turns out to be hilarious for some reason. On all of our notes pages, it has at the end of it, in big red letters, ‘DIED’. Not a single one doesn’t). I spent almost most of the day writing my story too!