13 – 19 November 2017
On Monday, I practiced my piano from eight in the morning till twelve in the afternoon! I’m doing online lessons with Mr Hoffman; he is teaching piano, but I don’t have one, so I do it on the keyboard instead! Then while Tilly went to the old folk’s home, I did some work with Mummy and had lunch before Tilly came back. When she did, we went to swimming lessons, which were really fun. Afterwards we had a shower and got home and our friends Gracie, Evie, and Annie came round. We watched a little bit of an amazing film called ‘Bill’, developed from Horrible Histories and all about William Shakespeare. It was hilarious! He said to his wife when she didn’t believe he’d be able to get another career after being kicked out of a band, ‘You’ll be wrong, Anne, and you’ll know it! People will remember the name Shakespeare… twenty years from now!’ Then Grace and Anne had to go to ballet so I wrote a little story with Eve and had a yummy chick pea quinoa-y curry before she had to go too. We then had Guides, where we played games and didn’t really do much else!
On Tuesday this week, I practiced my piano from half eight till half eleven – just like Monday, but a little less! We had a no-club day so we did quite a bit of work, walked up to the library, did our French homework from Grandad Mal (who’s giving us French lessons because he is fluent!) and did some websiting and Memrising, etc. Tilly was being abit of a teenager and lounging about watching Death Note
The next day, Wednesday, Tilly went to volunteer at nursery as usual, so Mummy and I had a Mummy-and-Vinia Day. We made a delicious, beany, Mexican-y, spicy soup for lunch, which was AMAZINGLY SCRUMPTIOUS! After Tilly came home we had another French lesson with Grandad Mal, which was really fun too!
On Thursday, we got up bright and early in the morning and picked up our friend Elodie from her house. We went to the cinema to watch Dunkirk, which was a 12, but I can manage it! Strangely, when we got to the counter, the man said, ‘Their Finest?’ and when Mummy said, ‘No, Dunkirk,’ he was very iffy about it and said that the film for the morning was Their Finest. So, we went in and watched Their Finest! Though half way through Mummy found internet and showed us the email confirming it was Dunkirk. Very strange!
Their Finest turned out to be a 12 quite similar to Dunkirk, but about somebody making a film about Dunkirk, not us watching a film about Dunkirk! However it was very good apart from a death that annoyed everyone, where it was a lovey-dovey scene where there was a lot of kissing and yucky stuff. Then, the man turned to go and turned to wave goodbye; a wall in the film studio they were in collapsed on top of him and he died, just like that! And he didn’t come back to life or anything!
Afterwards, we dropped Elodie back home and took Lucia and Dominique back with us, because Elodie couldn’t come. We played Hama-beads and dressing up and we even made part of our own soap opera (XD) and it was sooo much fun! We had a dinner of the Wednesday-made soup and a jacket potato. After that, Mummy dropped Dom off at her dance class (this was at seven, so there was a lot of playing!) and Tilly and I walked Chi down to her Marine Cadets.
On Friday, we went to drama in the morning and practiced some of the group scenes. When we got home, we did work until now, half five, and may or may not do some more – after all, we’ve been having a sort of no-work week!
On Saturday, we went to our different drama in the morning! It’s quite nearby, so we walked ourselves up. We did dance first, with our teacher Tana. In three or four weeks (I can’t remember which!) we’re doing a mini show for the parents, so this week we’ve started to make the dance for one of the songs we’re doing. It’s from a musical called Hairspray, and it’s all 60s dancing (I think it’s a song called ‘We’re Coming, 60s’ or something like that) and stuff. Personally I think it’s a really good dance!
In acting, we did some more clowning-related things (we did last week too), but mainly concentrated on six things. Some of them I can’t remember, but I’ll try! Here we go:
Comedy falls
Comedy chases
Improbable situations
… and some more! But anyway, we were split into groups of five, five and four, and we had to make scenes with at least three of those things. I was in a group with William, Eve, Sophie, and Morgan. At the end our scene was like this: William was crouching behind my chair, and I was too busy on my phone to look around me, so I walked towards the chair with my back facing it and sat down; William pulled it away at the last minute so I fell to the floor. Then I got really mad at William so I chased him round the stage for a while; Sophie was walking past when I ran into her, the chase stopped momentarily, Sophie got angry with me and started to chase me while I continued to chase William, Sophie then crashed into Morgan, who was having a cup of tea when it happened, got tea all down her, wiped her glasses before putting them on the wrong way round, and stumbled after Sophie as the chase continued; she then bashed into Eve, who got maddest of all and followed after Morgan while screeching ‘Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!’ at the same time. Suddenly William almost ran into a wall, and, realising he couldn’t keep going, came to a halt, which sent me crashing into William, Sophie crashing into me, Morgan crashing into Sophie, and Eve, all the while ‘eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’ing, crashing into Morgan, sending us in a large heap on the floor.
In singing, we rehearsed a Christmas song we’ve been learning for our show in a few weeks. Jay’s dad wrote it, and it isn’t the best, but is okay. We auditioned for solos in it too, and everybody did apart from Ella, Alice, Morgan, and somebody else – so only four people who didn’t do it! That’s quite good on the confidence-at-drama scale, but not very good in the fact that there are three stages, not just us, all singing the same song together, and there are four solos in the whole song…
Afterwards, Nanny came round! We watched half of ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ and then did some colouring. I did a bearded dragon, but because bearded dragons are a particular colour that has not yet been put into a crayon, I made it a cameleon, and made it green-brown.
On this week’s Sunday, I did some of my website (which I am doing now, obviously) and some Maths-Whizz, The Kid Should See This (an amazing family-friendly website with all sorts of cool videos on it; I watched The Complicated History of Surfing) and some Memrise (a website where I can review my Latin and French). We also went to the park for a bit with an ice cream