I’m so sorry I haven’t written on my website for a long time. Here is the things I’ve done since then:
- my bedroom painted
- Tilly’s bedroom painted
- doing messages and getting them
- letters
- making birthday cards
- doing Hama beads
- learning on my Egypt lapbook
- learning on my Autumn lapbook
- reading books (The Otter Who Wanted to Know, Fireside Tales, The Wishing Chair)
- TV (Avatar, Spiderman, Mighty Joe Young, Junior Masterchef)
- cinema
- ballet
- rainbows
- gymnastics
- trampolining
- played film-dierectors
- Meccano motorbike
- jenga
- played computer games (World of Goo, Crayon Physics, P.B. Winterbottom, Plants v.s. Zombies
- sadie (sleepover)
- made a lava lamp
- milk experiment
- talked on skype
- London with Katie (bus, museaum, tube, Nando’s, train, lift)
(which Katie did not like!)
- sleepover at Nanny’s
- made cakes
- watched some videos about gorillas
- book review about Teddy Robinson (the longest book I’ve ever read
And thats what I did.