Here are some of the things I’ve done this week…
As usual, we went to Freerunning (Parkour). I grazed my ankle, and it’s still there. We did flips and turns though, and it was worth it and very fun. Some of the boys kept arguing, but I just tried my best to listen to Josh and tell them to STOP IT. All my idea was for Josh to lie down doing nothing till they’d shut up!
I made my promise at my club Cubs. That’s a bit of a tongue-twister isn’t it – club Cubs. Say it really quickly 30 times – club Cubs, club Cubs… I was probably the only one who did the Alternative promise, which is:
I promise that I will do my best:
To uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to the Queen
To help other people
And to keep the Cub Scout Law.
I did a ‘repeat after me’ kind of promise, and I repeated after our leader, as I was scared that I’d say, “To uphold our Scout values, to do my duties to the Queen,” and so on! Can you spot what’s funny? Compair that sentence to this one: ‘To uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to the Queen’… The Alternative promise is for people who don’t want to promise to love God or Jesus or whatever, and for those who don’t believe in that stuff, like me. And now I don’t have to say the prayer at the end because my leader knows that I don’t believe in God and things. But I suppose I do still have to do my duty to the Queen, and I’m not quite sure what that means and I barely know the Queen!

As I might have said, we go to a home-ed club. This time we made little Frost Fairy things. They had little felt spiky blue bits (my one’s called Jill Frost, Jack Frost’s wife.) Also, not that we’ve done this yet, but also they had little blue or white sequins on the top of their mini hats. We did some Christmas biscuit decorations too, and they were delicious with nice, crunchy gingerbread! Oh, and Katie came too and she gave me a huge wrapped-up birthday present. I haven’t opened it yet, as it’s not my birthday until Saturday. But I’m so excited anyway!

I went to my friend Caitlin’s house. Her dog Ralph is just SOO cute! And there’s Domino the cat, that I didn’t see, who’s Caitlin’s, then there’s one for Eden one for Scarlett, then there’s Tigerlily the rabbit and I think the other rabbit’s Hazel or something. Anyway, I had loads of fun. We watched Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Also, we watched some singing videos on Caitlin’s iPad, like ‘Walk Like and Egyptian’ by The Bangles, and ‘Walking Down Your Street’ by The Bangles. It was FUN-FUN-FUN! (I really like their dinners – TASTY!)
We’ve been doing a Greece Project. It’s going to be the BEST GREECE PROJECT EVER MADE! We’re doing pages of Athena, goddess of wisdom and the arts, pages of Persephone’s abduction and how Demeter (goddess of farming) made the seasons and all that kind of stuff. I’m QUINTUPLE-EXCITED to get it finished so we’ll have a huge Greece project in our folders!
At gym, I’m doing this display thing, and last time I went there (yesterday) we were practicing for it. We did backward-roll-to-straddle, and…Do you know what backward-roll-to-straddle is? Well, it’s a backward-roll and then you land with your legs apart, put your hand in the middle and pull yourself up. We also did this stand-to-bridge thing, where we’d stand up and follow our hands back down into a bridge. It’s quite hard to explain a bridge, so I reccomend that if you don’t know what a bridge is, either ask your mum or simply get someone to demonstrate it.
At Brownies (a club that I go to) we had a Christmas party. We were told to bring in CDs, but none of us really did…but luckily all of us remembered the most important thing – FOOD! I really liked Grace’s brownies, and my cheesy-balls. They were tasty. The Foxes brought in savoury, and the Badgers or something. Foxes, Badgers, Hedgehogs and the other patrol are just all the woodland names we could think of. I’m a Fox, and there are five other foxes. We call patrols ‘sixes’, as there’s a sixer, a seconder and there’s six kids in each six. We had a big disco. Two Guides decided for the party.And I had a birthday day-out, but I’ve already written about that separately.