Rating: 4/5 The Baudelaire children are back, and this time Count Olaf is plotting something even more sinister, with an even more sinister accomplice: the

5 – 11 June 2017 On Monday, again, we went to our swimming lessons. We did some more breaststoke, just to master it completely, which
Yesterday, we went to a nearby church to watch our friend Seth getting confirmed. Apparently that is when God accepts you properly as a Christian,

Rating: 5/5 One of the absolute best characters I have ever read about, Alice finds herself playing make-believe with her chess board, the kittens and

Rating: 4/5 Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire have been cheated yet again by Count Olaf. Now their guardian Mr. Poe has let them into an

29 May – 4 June 2017 On Monday and Tuesday this week, we did some work in the morning and mooched about for a bit.

On Saturday, we went to Buckinghamshire Railway Centre, because Mummy had some Tesco vouchers that would expire if we didn’t use them up quickly. It

Today we went with our friends Seth, Arthur and Matilda to Wrest Park to participate in their ‘Wrest at War’ event. It was really fun,

22 – 28 May 2017 This week it was very, very hot, and we’ve had lots of days out and playing outside in our summer

Rating: 3/5 This book was… OK. It quite obviously had a brilliant plot and of course it was written very well, but, I suppose it