The next day, however, even if we were woken up at half seven by them, we got up for a scrumptious full English breakfast. In

Yesterday, we went on holiday! It was a surprise, so we had no idea where we were going – in fact, we didn’t even know

Rating: 4/5 Miss Stella Saxby of Saxby Hall awakes one morning to find that she cannot move her body. Very confused, she sees the dawn

Yesterday we went to London with our friends. We got on the train there, and Niamh shared out some chewing gum so that when we

Rating: 4/5 Fern Arable, a little girl who lives on a farm with her mother, father, and brother, sits up one day and asks her

Today it was Tilly’s 13th birthday party! We all met up at Wrest Park with loads of her friends. It was lovely weather and it’s

As Matilda’s birthday treat, we were going to go to Kenilworth Castle the day before her birthday to see the re-enactment of the famous siege.

Yesterday my friend Rosie came and picked me up from my house. A few days before we had packed Tilly’s big rucsac bag with clothes

We went to the outdoor theatre yesterday to watch our third and last play there, Macbeth. Unlike the others, this play was one in the
A few days ago we went to Cambridge, where we saw Mummy’s friend Leeanne and her son Cameron. We went in lots of parks, and