Rating: 4/5 Other people might not, but I think this is a kind of love book, which includes a war of meat and slime. Polly

When I was about four or five, I was shopping in Tesco with Mummy one day. But a thought came across me. I asked, “Mummy,

Rating: 5/5 This book is about Polly (the little super-hero girl) who finds a random bear in her town, whom she named Padlock. Mr Gum

Rating: 5/5 Mr Gum is back, now trying to put Lamonic Bibber on fire with Power Crystals! Apparently, according to Old Granny’s point of view,

This week was basically just a week of busy bees party, and all that really happened was business. We went swimming one day with Nanny.
Today we went jogging. But guess what? Me and Tilly had ear-plugs! None of them fitted me, so I couldn’t have any… Only joking –

Rating: 3/5 This book was about a witch’s cat called Gobbolino. But who’d heard of a witch’s cat like Gobbolino with one white paw, beautiful
Yesterday night, Tilly, William and I went to the panto. We watched Robin Hood, and it was really funny. There was Will Scarlett, someone with

Yesterday, Tilly, Mummy and I went to one of our clubs and made some delicious sushi. We got the seaweed, spread some sticky sushi rice

A few days ago, we went to a geology walk. We were late, unfortunately, so we couldn’t catch up with Alex and the other mummies.