On the 13th of December, it was my birthday. As it was my birthday, it was a hard choice for breakfast, but in the end

Today, Mummy, Tilly and I went ice skating. It was really fun, and it was real ice. At first we were quite wobbly and I

Here are some of the things I’ve done this week… As usual, we went to Freerunning (Parkour). I grazed my ankle, and it’s still there.

Yesterday, William, Tilly, Mummy, Andy and I went out to London for this secret MY BIRTHDAY thing… Oh yeah, I’m going to be eight in

Rating: 4/5 Peter is Fudge’s older brother. Their mum and dad have a baby called Tamara, and Peter and Fudge do NOT like it! Fudge

A few days ago, Mummy’s friend Kristina came round. We went to the Christmas market in St. Albans and we went in the cathedral –

Rating: 5/5 This ‘Jungle of Doom’ book is an Adventure-kind book. You were in a plane crash, and surprisingly, you’re the sole survivor. Unfortunately, though,
We went to Eden Project, a place where you learn about nature and things. We went in the Rainforest section first. I seem to remember
Do you know why I haven’t been on my website for so long? Because I wasn’t home! Do you know why that is? Tilly and

As you might already know since my ‘Is This Santa the Real one?’ post…actually it may not be published yet, so I might as well explain.