Today me, Tilly, Mummy, Debbie, Elise and Taryn went to London to see its tower. After a while Debbie, Elise and Taryn wandered off and

For a few days I’ve been an only child. And why is this? Because Tilly has disappeared since Wednesday! Two night sleepover at her friend’s

Hello again! Sorry I haven’t been typing on the computer on my blog for so long – I’ve been banned from the computer for a

I went to Childwickbury Arts Festival and I wrote about it on paper because I was banned from the computer for a few days. So,

We went to an geology trip. We had to fill in some sheets and do a plan and some scetches. We smashed it with hammers

Yesterday we went to a new club with some new people. We made Fruit-Kababs, windchimes and played in the (TOTALLY AMAZING, LIKE MAN…) park. Ze

Sea: Sorry of me weird language, for it’s better be different language time! Guess what! We’ve got the sea with us! And it’s freezing. It froze me
Today (well, yesterday it started) it was Big Brownie Sleepover day. When we got there it was half-past six, and we played some games till
Today was a lovely and warm day, and we decided to have a picnic in the park next to the Library. First we did four
You know how much I love reading? Yeah? Well, I’ve read loads this week. I read a book called ‘Dear Hound’ and another after that’s