Last Friday, I went to my grandma’s house for the weekend─but actually stayed there for longer than I had planned! I stayed until Tuesday, when my mum picked me up and we went on a walk with our friends Lillian, Nathan, Nathanael and Dominic. I had to make do without any maths or physics textbooks on Monday and Tuesday, instead spending most of the time reading the wonderful Atlas Shrugged and finishing my music theory book!
On Wednesday─back home now!─I caught up on the maths and physics I’d missed over the past couple of days. I recapped the physics topic on Electricity and had a postponed violin lesson in the morning. I also started a new topic, Ratios, in maths, and did some Latin with my mum (we’re over half-way through the OCR GCSE book now!). In the afternoon, I made a very interesting tart-cake-pie-thing made of chickpeas. It’s slightly strange, but not completely disgusting─the way most healthy things are! After making the cake, I made some notes on Susan Wise Bauer’s History of the Ancient World and read some more of Dumas’ Count of Monte Cristo.
On Thursday afternoon, I started a Massolit course with Dr Oliver Thomas on Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, the first play in his Oresteia trilogy. Then I had my online maths course with Niall─my favourite teacher, who went to Cambridge when he was 15!─and finally did some piano practice after a week without it at Nanny’s!
On Friday, I did Maths in the morning but was let off from Physics as I’d apparently been working too hard! 😉 Instead, I wrote on this blog and typed up my notes on Agamemnon from the Massolit course. I much prefer the Oresteia to the Homeric epics, as they’re by far more poetic and engaging─or perhaps that’s just Ted Hughes’ wonderful translation!